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Introduction intern Rickey Halley.

Rickey Halley

Hello there! My name is Rickey Halley and I’m the new intern here at I am made in Curacao, this is my first week here at the company and I’ve already learned a lot. One of my responsibilities is to keep the website and Facebook updated with amusing blogs and vlogs, this means that you will be hearing much more from me for the upcoming weeks!

 I am made in Curacao is an online platform that brings people in contact with local businesses that sell local goods. They do this by promoting the local businesses and guiding them in their marketing strategy and campaign. By supporting the local companies you are not only supporting the local economy but also helping small businesses develop and gain more prominence.

I am made in Curacao 

My time on this beautiful island has been wonderful so far, I’ve learned that Curacao depends alot on tourism as a mean of income and I believe it would be a great opportunity if small businesses could also profit from the tourist sector just like the big multinationals are doing. Most of the time locals and tourists are not aware of the local products nor the local businesses that Curacao has to offer. This is why I am glad that I will be working for a company that makes an effort to help these local products gain more visibility among tourists and in foreign countries. 

Economy of Curacao

The fact that I can contribute in a way to support this beautiful island’s economy makes me feel special and fills me with energy to continue my work and journey here. I’ve already attended a very educational workshop at the chamber of commerce and industry in Willemstad in which all the rules regarding export to the USA were discussed. I will be telling more about this and other experiences in the blogs to come!

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