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A year in Curaçao, visits to Aruba and Bonaire

Good day everyone,

It has been a long time since I wrote on this blog; since June 2009….a year ago!

I arrived in Curacao at the end of June 2009 and started teaching in August. Since October I have my own little, second hand car and since January I’m living in my own rented apartment.

So far things are going well, at work too, although it could be better at times. At work it’s though sometimes because I have a lot of classes with almost no rest in between. I have 11 groups and I see them all 3 times a week, which totals 33 classes, plus one class I’m mentor of which makes it 34 classes a week. From 7:15 until 12:50 or 13:35 I’m standing/sitting in front of groups of 26 pupils, speaking, explaining, warning, punishing, sending them out of the classroom etc. You’re constantly speaking and that really tires you out. There is only one short 20 minute break in between. In the afternoon when you go home, you just want to sleep and do nothing. But many times you still have work to do: preparing your lessons, making the tests, correcting the tests etc. Sometimes you need to call parents. I think next school year will be less work because I’ll do the same lessons I did this year, which is great! The final tests for all students finished this week! After this there’s no classes anymore, we’ll have meetings, cleaning/organizing the classrooms, help with the admission of new students for the next school year etc. Officially, the last working day is 25 of June.

It was quite easy to get used again to the island because I have many friends/acquaintances here who I hang out with. I was born and I grew up on the island so that makes it easier to get used again. I really love and appreciate what we have on this island and it’s a place I always want to be. Even if I leave the island in the future, it will be the place I want to come back to. The feeling to keep travelling is still in me and I will continue to do so as long as I’m financially able to and as long as my health allows me to do so. The only thing in my mind, for the coming few years, will be: work –> save money –> travel. As long as I’m able to save enough to travel and explore new places, I’m fine!

In december I went to the island of Aruba for 10 days, which is located to the west of Curaçao, just a 20 minute flight. There I spent my birthday and christmas with some friends I have there. I had a good time, but for new year’s eve I wanted to be back in Curaçao. Those are friends I met doing the hobby of online flight simulation. Flying on an network called IVAO, I met a lot of locals and also others from Aruba and Bonaire. I may I went for a long-weekend to the island of Bonaire where I had a good time and I tried windsurfing for the first time! For my holidays in July, the plan is to visit South America. Where exactly, I don’t know yet. I’ll just wait and see what will happen. Time will tell…when you receive my first blog somewhere in July you’ll know.

Anyway that’s all for now! Have a great day.


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