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100 Best Things to Do in Missouri 13/20

Missouri is a great state to get outdoors, but it also has a lot of interesting urban sights to see and a lot of roadside oddities that make it one interesting place to visit.


61. Kansas City Workhouse Castle (Kansas City)

This abandoned jail looks like a medieval castle and was abandoned in 1972. Although it’s not blocked off in any way and is easily accessible, in order to avoid trespassing, it’s best to view it from the outside and use it as the backdrop in a cool photo op.


62. Turtle Playground (St Louis)

This is a playground that was opening in 1996, there are 8 giant turtle sculptures here for kids to climb on, as well as seven turtle eggs (some of which are hatching) and a snake statue that looks like it’s eating the nearby overpass. Take a walk on the trail through this great art park and watch the kids play for an hour or so.


63. Taum Sauk Mountain State Park (Ironton)

This 7,500 acre park is home to the highest point in the state. This wooded, rocky park in the St Fancois mountains has amazing hiking trails and a camping area. If you like the outdoors, camp out here for a night and get in some quiet hiking time.


64. Bothwell Lodge (Sedalia)

This 12,000 square foot lodge was built over two natural caves. The lodge is 31 rooms with most of the original furniture that you can visit and there’s also hiking and biking trails. Allow an hour or two here.


65. Kirksville Curses (Kirksville)

There are several urban legends spread across the small town of Kirksville. The Dibbuk Box which inspired the movie “The Possession.” The Devil’s Chair, which is said to cause a hand to emerge from the ground and pull anyone who sits in it to hell, and several ghost stories around Truman State University. If you like legends and myths, stop in Kirksville for a few hours and see if they’re true.



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